Tino Schöllhorn
Affiliated Researcher
Tino Schöllhorn studied 1998 – 2003 Business Informatics at the University of Mannheim (Germany). There he specialized on organizational design and organization theory, production management, software analysis and software design. In 2004 he founded the company Plattform GmbH which develops a standardized software package for social intranets, knowledge management and organizational Internet presentations. Since 2007 Tino is affiliated to the research team on digitalization of the Institute of Small and Medium Sized Companies at the University of Mannheim. His research focusses on self- representations of organizations on the Internet. He develops novel methods to capture and analyze large networks of organizations. This includes methods to automatically collect data which can be interpreted in a (social) meaningful way.
Publications / Working-Papers Schöllhorn, T., Wruk, D., Scheiber, F., Bort, S. (2014). What generates configurations of practices in organizational self-presentations? Working paper.
Oberg, A., Schöllhorn, T., & Woywode, M. (2008). Neue Methoden in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre am Beispiel von Internet-Analysen. Tagung der Kommission Wissenschaftstheorie, Zürich.
Oberg, A, & Schöllhorn, T. (2007). Organizational Fields in the World Wide Web. Working Paper.
Achim Oberg, Tino Schöllhorn & Michael Woywode (2006): “Isomorphism in Organizational Self-Representation in the WWW?” Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.