Erik Sjöstrand
PhD Candidate
The main focal point in my research is in which way grants, and the format of the grants, given from government affects the life and work of organizations in the civil society. I first want to understand how very general directive given by the government transforms into actual money given to the organizations. Where and how are these “negotiations” in this process taking place? Who are the parties involved? Secondly, I aim to understand in which way the organizations and their objectives are affected by these grants. How are their operations affected? In which way do the grants control or affect the priorities of the organizations? The empirical material for this study is governmental grants given to sport associations through the Swedish Sports Federation (Riksidrottsförbundet) and grant given to Swedish popular study organizations and folk high schools through The Swedish National Council of Adult Education (Folkbildningsrådet).
Grant making strategies in the savings banks foundations. I am also currently working on a project that aims at exploring the grant making processes and strategies among the Swedish savings bank foundations. We have been granted access to 10 years of applications, denials and grants from three different foundations and are aiming at creating a tentative typology.