The Research Team
Behind the project stands a highly competent and cross-disciplinary research team guided by an experienced international advisory committee, both drawn from different universities across and outside of Europe.

Achim Oberg
Achim Oberg studied Business Informatics at the University of Mannheim and the University of St. Gallen. After completing his studies, he started working as a research associate at the University of Mannheim at the chair of ABWL and the organization of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Alfred Kieser…

Lisa Dellmuth
Associate Professor
Lisa’s research focuses on the linkages between public opinion, transnational advocacy organizations, domestic politics, and the legitimacy and effectiveness of international organizations.

Torbjörn Einarsson
One of the main focal points of Torbjörn’s research is governance in complex multi-level associations as confederations and federations involving everything from the individual member’s decisions to participate (or not) in governing the organization to the work of election committees and boards of directors.

Erik Sjöstrand
Ph.D. Candidate
The main focal point in my research is in which way grants, and the format of the grants, given from government affects the life and work of organizations in the civil society. I first want to understand how very general directive given by the government transforms into actual money given to the organizations. Secondly, I aim to understand in which way the organizations and their objectives are affected by these grants.

Anna Lundstedt
Anna has a Ph.D. in Ethnology from Göteborg University (2005). Currently, she is working together with Filip Wijkström, Katarina Friberg and Susanne Wallman-Lundåsen in a cross- disciplinary study of evalutations of projects funded by Allmänna Arvsfonden. She has been engaged as a researcher in inter disicplinary projects at Arbetslivsinstitutet Stockholm and Östersund, Uppsala University, and have been affiliated to University of Western Sydney, Australia.

Michael Mayer
Michael Meyer is head of the Institute for Nonprofit-Management at WU Vienna (University of Economics and Business). At WU Vienna, he is also member of the academic board of the Professional MBA Program for Social Management and member of the board of the Competence Center for NPOs and Social Entrepreneurship. Michael Meyer has published more than 150 academic papers on a variety of issues, mainly focusing on nonprofit management and governance, the third sector and civil society, and the diffusion of management thinking into NPOs and its consequences. His current research concentrates upon governance and managerialism.

Renate Mayer
With a research interest in institutional theory, framing strategies, visual rhetoric, social identities, translation, changing governance structures, urban governance and public accounting, Professor Renate Meyer is professor of organization theory at WU Vienna where she is the Head of the Institute for Organization Studies at WU Vienna and Co-director of the Research Institute for Urban Management and. She is also Permanent visiting professor at CBS Copenhagen Business School and Member of the Executive Board of the European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS).

Marta Reuter
Marta’s work focuses on civil society organizations (CSOs) as political actors, particularly in the transnational context. She is also interested in issues related to CSOs and governance (organizational and societal), and the relationship between the different organizational spheres in society, particularly civil society and the state.

Tino Schöllhorn
Affiliated Researcher
Tino’s background is within Business Informatics at the University of Mannheim in Germany where he specialized on organizational design and organization theory, production management, software analysis and software design.
Since 2007 Tino is affiliated to the research team on digitalization of the Institute of Small and Medium Sized Companies at the University of Mannheim. His research focusses on self-representations of organizations on the Internet.

Filip Wijkström
Associate Professor
For more than two decades Filip have studied organizations in civil society. With a general interest in the role and position of these organizations in different fields of society, his primary focus lies on governance and strategy.
With the shorthand concept civil society (civilsamhälle) and a firm base in the research center established at SSE, Filip includes nonprofits, social movement organizations, charities, voluntary agencies, non-governmental organizations or actors in the third sector or the social economy.